
The new website of the Communist Party of Britain Marxist-Leninist is available at www.cpbml.org.uk. You can read extracts from our magazine, Workers, read online news, subscribe to Workers and buy pamphlets and badges, download the current and past issues back to July 2000 as a pdf and find out about the Party. The new site can be viewed on your desktop PC, on a tablet or on a mobile phone and will adapt to whichever one you use. We hope you find it interesting!

You are on our original website, workers.org.uk, which contains the full text of articles published from 2003/4 to October 2014. The easiest way to search for a specific article is to go to your favourite browser and put in the Search box “site:workers.org.uk [search term]” (for example, to search for an article featuring the RMT input "site:workers.org.uk RMT"). You can also select an article type from the menu (news, features or opinion) to see an index of articles from to October 2014. You can find PDFs of every issue of Workers from July 2000 onwards at www.cpbml.org.uk/workers.

Subscribe to Workers

Workers is published every two months (in full colour with 24 pages per issue). The journal is the thinking worker's guide to the issues that really matter: the future of Britain, industry, the working class, and the attacks on national independence. Six issues per year delivered direct to you, including postage, costs £12

Choose "subscribe" from the Main Menu to the left to see subscription options or go direct to the online subscription option

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